Saturday, August 30, 2008

Physics Phigured out!

It's been quite a while since I've posted now, and it's also been quite a while since I last made any progress. This is in part due to my extremely busy summer, traveling everywhere and probably sleeping more out of my own, comfortable bed than in it.

Anyways, today I was able to make significant progress and figure out how to add a physics engine, Bullet, to the Quicksilver Game Engine. Bullet appears to be a high-class, commercial-use physics engine. On top of that, I'm going to be using PAL, which stands for Physics Abstraction Layer, to dissect Bullet and make it easier to use (did I mention that Bullet comes with collision detection, too?). With both of those added to my project, I am a giant leap closer to having this engine completed.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Phiguring out Physics

Progress has been slow recently due to the necessary implementation of a physics engine, specifically for collision detection. The reason that I say progress has been slow is because I'm having a difficult time adding the physics engine(s) to my project - let's just say they aren't Mac friendly. Anyways, after this week I should be able to get some serious time in and get this project rolling again.

Monday, May 26, 2008

A .3ds Reader Appears!

So the next thing that I've been working on for the QGE is a .3ds reader. This would allow me to load 3D files directly into my engine and make my job a lot easier. I've also been working on making .3dses in a handy little program called Blender. So far I haven't been able to create anything useful, because the interface is a bit confusing, but I'm reading a tutorial on it that claims it'll make me a pro, so hopefully I can make some pretty cool stuff with it. Anyways, I'd better work more on that right now and less on this!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Camera is Frustrating...

So recently I've been working on the camera on the QGE, and I can only either get the mouse to work or the keyboard. For some reason, the computer has trouble using the keyboard with the mouse code in place, and the same code works fine without the mouse code. I'll be working on this fiercely through the next few days, and hopefully I can get this settled and move on to bigger things shortly.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Slow and Unsteady Progress...

So I have been working on the QGE, but not very much due to an extremely busy schedule. Currently I'm fixing the camera system, which should be up and running in a couple of days, if I happen to get a light load of homework. I'm figuring about 4 to 5 hours of work, which with my luck means about 6 to 7 hours. I'm hoping for less. Until then...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

It is Working!

So I have gotten my objects to draw in Quicksilver, but I'm disappointed because the tools that I have to use to draw these sorts of things are mediocre. Surprise! That's why I'm making this engine. Hopefully, once it's a functional engine, this process will become easier.
(a few hours and a lot of candy later...)
So I've fixed my system, and now I've got a working model system. Now I have to learn some animation to get this to look good... but this is looking OK so far!

How it's Working out...

Here's how far I've gotten on my new Quicksilver project: I can draw the ground. Yay. Big whoop, right? Not for me. This has actually taken a lot of work, along with sweat, blood, and tears. While I've gotten it to display the ground, and can currently zoom out with mediocrity, I've got a lot of work to do before this is going to go anywhere. So today, I'm going to be revamping what little code I have and making it more efficient. Pictures to follow.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The QuickSilver Game Engine!

Although I know near-to-nothing about game engines, I decided it would be good for me to try and make one, based upon my knowledge of how games work. The engine will be used to create 3D games displayed from a sky view, like a real-time strategy or third person shooter (with a high-angled camera) game. My first experiment will be to make a game somewhat like Darwinia, with slow-moving characters, resource and unit management, and basic attacking units, comparable to StarCraft with only Zealots, Marines, and Zerglings.

Welcome to The Undeveloped Story!

This is my new blog about how I haven't gotten squat completed in programing. I have a mediocre understanding of programming, and I'm hoping that blogging my progress will help me stay motivated and on-track. I also created the StarCraft 2: Immortal fansite, so I will be linking to that for file downloads. Information on what I am programming currently to follow.