Saturday, March 22, 2008

The QuickSilver Game Engine!

Although I know near-to-nothing about game engines, I decided it would be good for me to try and make one, based upon my knowledge of how games work. The engine will be used to create 3D games displayed from a sky view, like a real-time strategy or third person shooter (with a high-angled camera) game. My first experiment will be to make a game somewhat like Darwinia, with slow-moving characters, resource and unit management, and basic attacking units, comparable to StarCraft with only Zealots, Marines, and Zerglings.

Welcome to The Undeveloped Story!

This is my new blog about how I haven't gotten squat completed in programing. I have a mediocre understanding of programming, and I'm hoping that blogging my progress will help me stay motivated and on-track. I also created the StarCraft 2: Immortal fansite, so I will be linking to that for file downloads. Information on what I am programming currently to follow.